Photos from my recent Nature trails
(all photos have been clicked by me using a Nikon D300s, D50 or Nikon CoolPix4500 unless specifically mentioned) Click on the images to enlarge them
I made a very short business trip to India. And I managed a day off from work in Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu. Check out this snap of some Painted Grasshoppers with the famous Shore Temple of Mamallapuram in the background.
Got some snaps of this Lifer - White-Browed Wagtail (Motacilla maderaspatensis) - in the lawn of the Shore temple. Check these out. .
I had initially intended this blog only to showcase images of animals/bird/etc. that I saw only out in the open (wild so as to say), but slowly I have started adding images from Zoological gardens and Safari Parks because I might never get to see some of those animals in the wild and given that I don't have enough equipment I can get better photos under these conditions.
More over being an architect myself, I've been bitten by an interest in the design and layout of these parks.