Sunday, December 31, 2006

Dragonflying in Kerala

Check these out from the last few days of 2006.

And this last one is an image of a Diplacodes-trivialis (Ground Skimmer) in an Obelisking position.

And for a little bit about this position I will quote a website ( -

"The fact that dragonflies are "cold blooded" they, like other insects, can not control their body temperature like we do. Their body temperature is affected by the temperature of the air around them. On cool mornings they will move out into the sunlight and expose the full length of their bodies to the warming sun rays. If they get too warm, they will point their tail directly toward the sun (called obelisking), thus decreasing the surface of their body exposed to the sun and helping reduce body temperature. If it gets really hot out in the sun, they retreat to the shade and perch until the temperature drops to a more suitable level for their activities. If they get too cold, they become inactive, but when the temperature increases, they become active again."

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Some butterflies from the Archieves

I was just going thru my hard-disk and thought I'll share these.

Zebra Blue -UN- (Leptotes plinius)

Angled Pierrot -UN- (Caleta caleta)

Common Wanderer -Mating- (Pareronia valeria)

Painted Lady (Cynthia cardui)

And lastly the beautiful - Quaker -UN- (Neopithecops zalmora)